
Morning C.R.E.W. & Afterschool C.R.E.W.

Last Modified: August 4, 2024

The Horizon Academy West C.R.E.W program lays a good foundation for students of all ages. Participation in a structured after-school program has shown to be an effective way to positively affect students’ lives. We are dedicated and equipping your child to become their best utilizing the time they spend with us after school!

C.R.E.W. Registration


Art projects to expand the imagination and create new ideas


Indoor and outdoor activities and team building skills.


We provide time for homework completion and offer specialized computer programs that are proven to enhance skills in reading, writing, and math.

Work Readiness

We will have guest speakers from the community to help guide the students in areas of interest.

Morning Care

  • Hours are 7:00 to 7:30 a.m.
  • Drop off will be in the gym on Painted Rock Road.
  • The monthly flat rate cost will be $20.00 per child per month or $200.00 per child per year.

The CREW After School

  • Hours are Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 6:00 PM and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 pm (see note).
  • Pick up is in the cafeteria.
  • The monthly flat rate cost will be $225.00 per child.
  • We offer a “Fridays Only” rate at $125.00 per child per month.

NOTE:  HAW reserves the right to cancel our Friday program if there is not enough interest in our community.

C.R.E.W. Registration

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much does the C.R.E.W. Program cost?
    • Morning Care M-TH: $20.00/mo or $200.00/year
    • After Care Full-time students: $225.00/mo
    • After Care Friday only students: $125.00/mo

    Payment Due Every Month by the 10th.  Late fees after the 10th.
    Pay online @

  2. Is there a sliding scale fee?
    No, this is a flat-fee service. Credits for holidays and school breaks were predetermined and given as part of the monthly fee.
  3. When are C.R.E.W. hours of operation?
    Before School: Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. (gym)
    After School: Monday – Thursday 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m, and Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (cafeteria)
  4. How many slots are open?
    Spaces available depend on staffing, first come/ first-served basis. For the 24-25 SY, we hope to accommodate all families that are in need of care.
  5. How do I learn more about C.R.E.W.?
    To learn more about the benefits of the high-quality program contact the front office and we will answer your questions 505-998-0459.
  6. How do I make a reservation?
    Please use the Google Form to register. A contract will be provided once your child is accepted.


C.R.E.W. Registration