Educational Support

Educational Support

Providing Evaluation Services
as well as Educational/Therapy
Services for students who are:

Gifted and Talented,
Learning Disabled,
Speech-Language Impaired,
Motor Impaired
and/or Behaviorally Different.

What is Special Education?

Special Education is specifically designed instruction, at no extra cost, to meet the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities.

Special Education Students have needs that often require support that goes beyond what is normally offered or received in regular school classroom settings.

The goal of special education is to ensure that students can take part in a free and appropriate education and can access curriculum successfully and with reasonable independence.

Gifted and Talented students are also viewed as exceptional under IDEA.
These students give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, academic, artistic, creative, or leadership capacity.
Gifted and Talented students also need services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop these capabilities.

IEP (Individualized Education Program)

MDT (Multidisciplinary Team)

PED (Public Education Department) 
NM PED Special Education Bureau
120 South Federal Place Rm. 206
Santa Fe, NM 87501

How do we Support our School?

Consult with and support teachers in the regular classroom with at- risk students.

Participate in the Student Assistance Team and school-wide leveled reading program.

Assist with state mandated testing providing small group environments and appropriate accommodations to students.

Evaluate students who have been referred through the school’s Student Assistance Team.

Contact and meet with parents to explain evaluation results and educational options.

Contact and meet with parents to write Individualized Education Programs.

Provide support for teachers and special needs students to ensure success in a least restrictive environment.

Work with students individually or in small groups to help them access their grade level curriculum and build independence before, during, or after school hours.

Gifted Education Mission Statement

The mission of gifted education at Horizon Academy West is to provide challenge, enrichment, and/or acceleration to meet gifted students’ academic and social/emotional needs.

We are working to provide parents with a Gifted Handbook.

We research and obtain teaching and learning materials specifically designed for high ability learners.

We research current trends in gifted education.

We provide gifted education services in both large and small group settings as appropriate to the needs of our gifted and talented learners.

We regularly collaborate as a team to address the needs of all our students.

Our goal is to develop a strong Gifted Program
that benefits our brightest students and creates
a desire in them to perform and develop to their potential

Meet the Educational Support Team

Shontysa Joe
Educational Assistant
Sarah Lopez
Educational Assistant
Debra Lynch
Special Education Teacher
BJ Toledo
Special Education Teacher